Building beautiful, good-quality and affordably priced boats or leisure homes requires a smart blend of fine craftsmanship and industrial excellence.
Within Groupe Beneteau, these two areas of expertise complement one another and enable our employees to carry out unique work. This uniqueness is also supported by our values, which we are proud of: our dedication, our willingness to learn and our quest for excellence.
Meeting the challenge of transmission
With complex activities and different qualifications for each boat model, the challenge of handing down knowledge is particularly important for Groupe Beneteau. The in-house technical training centers make it possible to transmit each employee’s unique know-how. It trains the Group’s operators on all technical activities, from molding to boat assembly.
5,500 staff follow a program with our in-house technical training centers each year
Targeted training programs are also developed for staff from the product development teams, designers, technicians and engineers. Around 5,500 staff follow a program with it each year.
Launched in Vendée in 2012, this approach is now operational in Bordeaux, the US and Poland.
Strengthening operational excellence
From boats to leisure homes, comfort, safety and wellbeing are an essential component for good times. In line with the ISO 9001 certified continuous improvement approach, our teams look to further strengthen product quality and performance in order to continue offering a unique customer experience.
40% of boats produced in closed molds
In our product development, production and procurement teams, our staff are committed to boosting competitiveness and improving operational performance through industrial innovations and environmental management (ISO 14001 and 50001), making it possible to optimize the management of the resources available: raw materials, water, energy, equipment, machines, processes, technologies and logistics.