Bringing dreams to the water
To bring all sailing projects to life, renew on-board experiences and pave the way for more sustainable boating.
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The latest news about the Group are available in the newsroom: headlines, events, press releases…
A group in transformation
Groupe Beneteau draws its strength from a unique business model, built around a diversified, complementary and innovative offering. Our brand portfolio, dealer networks, staff and international production footprint are key assets.
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0 production sites
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0 staff members
0 brands & services
Real estate on the water

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Une aventure humaine unique
Artisans de la mer, magiciens du design, passionnés engagés, experts audacieux ou apprentis conquérants : Groupe Beneteau c’est plus de 8000 talents et 42 nationalités réunis dans leur diversité pour façonner le nautisme de demain.

For sustainable and accessible boating
The Group’s 17 brands and services reflect its values and its operational excellence. Discover major brands that are known worldwide.

Growing up ethically

Acting as a team